This place will not be call home forever

The depressed man chose death because he

was angry with life

But we will make our anger into a hot fume,

one that propels

Hot fumes which will one day propel us

Into a little river that will join the sea in a

country faraway

Lands we have travelled only in our minds

We know this is one of the tools

Like invisible thread sewing up the future

And the future will become a country, an

imperfect city

Hand sewed, we have never dreamt of


Just a land of men, anger, imperfection and


Because our anger is a tool

Like the invisible thread sewing up the


Then our bones and flesh will melt again,

now forming

A big river which will join the ocean in a

country faraway

A land of men, anger, imperfection and


This place will not be call home forever

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Trish Hopkinson

A selfish poet

Konya Shamsrumi

African. Poetry. Press.